What Is the Character Stewy on Family Guy Based on

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Stewart Gilligan "Stewie" Griffin


"Thank you. When the world is mine, your decease shall be quick and painless."

A perpetual one-twelvemonth-erstwhile with a animalism for earth domination, and the matricide of Lois. He used to be a vicious criminal and Enfant Terrible Villain Protagonist in Season 1-6, but has become a much nicer character in the later seasons, with the exception of withal being a trash-talking, unfiltered wisecracker.

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    Tropes # to C

  • #1 Dime: Rupert, his honey teddy deport.
  • Absentee Actor: The only episodes Stewie doesn't announced in are "Welcome Back, Carter" and "Processed Quahog Marshmallow!"
  • Accents Aren't Hereditary: Speaks with a British accent that no one else in his family seems to share.
  • Adorably Precocious Child: Stewie is just a baby yet has the behavior of a full-grown adult. Despite this, he nonetheless has some typical interests of an average babe/toddler, such every bit his Teddy bear Rupert.
  • Aesop Amnesia: In "Stewie Kills Lois" and Lois Kills Stewie", Stewie learned nearly the possible outcome of him killing Lois, which ultimately led to himself existence killed. This would have taught him not to keep trying to do that. Although this was the last time he tried killing Lois in a while, in that location was always an episode or two, where he all of a sudden went back to his onetime matricidal means, such as "And I'thousand Joyce Kinney" and "Pal Stewie".
  • Affably Evil: Especially in the after seasons. He is very homicidal at times, but aside from that he is the least obnoxious family fellow member in the prove. He always maintains a jovial and polite mental attitude when interacting with others, as long equally he is in good mood.
  • Affectionate Nickname: Chris would often call him "little dude" in the older episodes.
  • Agony of the Feet: In "Saving Individual Brian", he and Brian shot each other in the anxiety with pistols.
  • The Alcoholic: Stewie became addicted to coughing syrup in "Pilling Them Softly", which, as Brian noted, had booze in it. A more obvious example was in "Mind Over Murder", where Peter allowed him into Ye Old Pube and Stewie got drunk.
  • All Simply a Dream: This has really happened to him a couple of times.
    • In "Lois Kills Stewie", Stewie took over the earth and let everyone know who he was. His evil reign was stopped, however, when Lois came in and killed him. Then and there, it turned out that all the events that transpired was merely a simulation, he had gear up for himself.

    Stewie: At least it didn't stop like The Sopranos, where it but cutting to black in mid-sen...

    • Somewhat subverted in "Send in Stewie, Please", Stewie had an emotional quantum with his psychologist, just didn't want him to share the information with the world, so he allowed him to die. Stewie wakes up at night from guilt over his actions. He doesn't fifty-fifty know if this was all just a dream too or not.
  • All of the Other Reindeer: In "Send in Stewie, Please", information technology's learned that Stewie doesn't fit in well with the other kids at his schoolhouse, what with him existence far more intelligent than everyone else.
  • Alternate History: Stewie messes with time in some of his time travel episodes, causing this in the present.
  • Ambiguously Gay/Bi: Despite the many, many gags pointing toward an attraction to males, whatever genuine romance relevant to the plot has always been with females. That beingness said, many times information technology'southward been implied he loves Brian...and his Teddy bear Rupert, whom Stewie has manifestly done a lot of scandalous things every bit a dearest interest. Seth has besides called him gay in interviews, and the "romances" with women can exist attributed to the fact he is a baby.
  • Ambiguously Evil: He starts out equally Obviously Evil but as time went on he gradually Took a Level in Kindness. Regardless he still shows no regret for his by actions, will casually mention things like killing 7 babies, and since it's a Sadist Show, he is still capable of every bit much Comedic Sociopathy equally the other characters and by and large doesn't seem to know the extent of certain actions.
  • And I Must Scream: He was aware of the countless months that passed while in Lois' womb.
  • Abrasive Express joy: In "Brian Sings & Swings", Brian pointed out that Stewie had a messed upward laugh, when he watched something, that he thought was actually funny. A cutaway showed him watching Hope & Faith, and laughing a fatigued out, obnoxious express mirth, at every single joke.
  • Abrasive Younger Sibling: He tin be this to both Chris and One thousand thousand, although it is normally not every bit big of a deal because he's a infant. For case, One thousand thousand was merely mildly bellyaching when Stewie stole her gifts at her birthday political party. He also abuses Meg, just not equally much as Chris, so he's a downplayed example.
  • Antagonistic Offspring: Provides the page paradigm, though this is primarily Played for Laughs.
  • Anti-Hero: Was originally a Villain Protagonist, but became increasingly nicer and evolved into a more-or-less expert guy equally the series progressed.
  • Antiquated Linguistics: He'southward occasionally prone to this, particularly in the early seasons.
  • Anti-Villain: He can do whatever he pleases, as long as he has a clear goal. In addition, he is opposed to wanting to kill his friend, Brian.
  • Attending Deficit... Ooh, Shiny!: "The Hand That Rocks the Wheelchair" reveals that Stewie gets distracted and laughs whenever he looks at his anxiety.
  • Attention Whore: According to the "The Life of Brian", he says he has a "pathological need to be liked"
  • Ax-Crazy: Mainly prior to the Revival, simply information technology'south still there.
  • Baby Linguistic communication: Implied. Subject to a big corporeality of Negative Continuity, but some ground rules have been made: Discussion of God states that Peter and Lois can empathize what Stewie says but fine, but they never accept him seriously. (This gets lampshaded past Stewie himself in the episode "Dial Meg for Murder", where the whole family pins Stewie as the one who'd talked smack nigh Meg, causing him to say, "Oh, so now everyone understands me?") Chris sometimes takes him seriously, while Brian and supporting characters always empathise him.
  • Babysitter from Hell: He and Brian get this to Chris when babysitting him in "North by North Quahog".
  • Bad Hereafter: In "Stu & Stewie's Excellent Adventure", Stewie'southward future self was a pathetic virgin, working a crappy, dead end job, and having lost all his villainous tendencies. It is unknown if Stewie will conform to this time to come, or if he'll change it.
  • The Bad Guy Wins: As a villain protagonist, Stewie has done a number of evil things and gotten away with information technology.
  • Badass Adorable: Easily the coolest badass character in the family and he's just a baby.
  • Badass Bookworm: A baby genius with all sorts of weaponry and gadgets who'due south also able to vanquish up people bigger than him.
  • Airship Belly: In "He's Besides Sexy For His Fatty", Stewie ate tons of junk nutrient and became a fatty, brawl-shaped babe.
  • Barbie Doll Anatomy: Ane scene contains a frontal shot of a naked Stewie, with no male ballocks in sight. Promptly lampshaded when he looks downwardly and doesn't see said genitals, causing him to call back he'due south a adult female.
  • Berserk Button:
    • Don't mess with his beloved teddy behave, Rupert, merely DON'T.
    • He goes ballistic after his TV time is interrupted.
    • Throughout the entire series in full general, information technology can exist seen that Stewie heavily disapproves of frauds, fifty-fifty to the point of holding said fraud hostage at gunpoint!
  • Large Bad: In the earlier seasons. In "Stewie Kills Lois and Lois Kills Stewie" two-part episode, likewise.
  • Big Brother Instinct: Inverted. Despite being the youngest, Stewie is very protective of his two older siblings. He rescued Meg when she was kidnapped and he defended Chris from bullies.
  • Brains and Brawn: He is the brains to Chris' brawn. When the 2 are together Chris is often portrayed every bit Stewie's mountain for the episode. Which shown by Stewie existence carried on his dorsum via baby carrier, backpack or piggyback ride.
  • Brainy Baby: The page image. A big part of the character's humor comes from him being a super-intelligent Mad Scientist (probably the nearly intelligent grapheme on the prove, in fact), but defective some extremely basic knowledge that only babies would not know.
  • Brainy Brunette: Scenes ready in the future oft show Stewie grows up with a caput of brown hair.
  • Bratty Half-Pint: In the before seasons.
  • Cain and Abel: Initially an Evil Versus Evil story of Sibling Rivalry, this ended up beingness the example by the end of The Big Bang Theory, when he had to stop his one-half-brother Bertram from destroying the universe.
  • Calling Parents by Their Name: Stewie refers to his mother every bit "Lois". In before seasons this was a sign of his Enfant Terrible nature and disdain for his mother. When his adult self does telephone call them "mom and dad" he immediately and violently 'corrects' himself with "It's Lois and the fat human being!" He's phased out of this by later seasons.
  • Catchphrase:
    • "Victory is mine!" was his for at least the offset few seasons.
    • He also has "I shall do no such thing!"
    • Non to mention "Nail!" and "Damn you lot (all)/(vile woman)!" in earlier seasons, also equally, "What the deuce?"
  • Chained Heat: In "Stuck Together, Torn Apart", Stewie and Brian'south easily were superglued together.
  • Characterization Marches On: Subsequently the sixth season, Stewie became less of a villainous killer, and more of an effeminate nice guy. He stopped using his inventions to kill people, and instead used them for proficient. For case, his time machine was probably his healthiest creation. Not to mention, he formed a stronger friendship with Brian. Before then Stewie didn't think much of Brain and aways called him "The Dog".
  • The Chessmaster: The virtually manipulative member of the family unit.
  • Chewing the Scenery: Whenever he's the central focus of any scene, he has some kind of wordy monologue, total of jokes, references, and picayune musical numbers. Even when he's not the central focus, if he'southward in the scene, he's going to make a number of sarcastic cracks and quips, sometimes gaining a stronger memorability or a higher joke total, than the characters actually in focus.
  • Kid Prodigy: He tin build time machines and a multi-verse transporter and yet he is only one year old.
  • Cluster F-Bomb: In "Chap Stewie", he unleashed an unspeakable amount of profanities onto his family, for beingness abrasive and destroying the TV, while he was simply trying to spotter his prove.
  • Companion Cube: He shares a close bond with his Teddy bear, Rupert. The close bail he has with it borders on gay material.
  • Creepy Kid: Pre-Season iv. He's getting his edge back in Season 9. After all, he sniped Diane Simmons, pulled a bazooka on some teenagers who stole his Halloween candy, and traveled all the way to the freaking North Pole to try to assassinate Santa Claus, from whom he'd wanted yellow cake uranium.
  • Cultured Badass: He's a sophisticated Kid Prodigy and speaks with an advanced vocabulary.

    Tropes D to G

  • Dating Catwoman: With Penelope, though it's much more similar dating Moriarty.
  • Deadpan Snarker: Not that many listen to him. For example, in Petarded he gets obnoxiously sarcastic towards Meg when she is afraid to go to schoolhouse after her begetter is publicly labeled as mentally retarded.

    1000000: I tin't believe this is happening to me. I can never become dorsum to schoolhouse again.

    Stewie: Oh, yeah, Million, yeah. Yes, everything was going swimmingly for you lot until this. Yes, this is the thing that volition ruin your reputation. Non your years of grotesque appearance or awkward social graces... or that Felix Unger-ish way yous clear your sinuses. No, no, no, it'due south this. Practice you hear yourself talk? I might kill you tonight.

  • Death by Irony: After years of trying to impale Lois, Stewie was killed by Lois in the episode "Lois Kills Stewie".
  • Expiry Glare: This was essentially Stewie's default facial expression in earlier seasons.
  • Depending on the Writer:
    • His intelligence comes into question when it shouldn't. He is extremely smart enough to build many devices, but and then, at times, he proclaims he is notwithstanding learning his numbers.
    • He either is very well enlightened when people are trying to trick him, or he is very oblivious that he is existence evidently tricked.
    • Either he likes Brian, hates him so much he wants to brand him miserable, or he literally does love Brian.
  • Diabolical Mastermind: From Seasons one-six, he was a mechanical supervillain, hell-bent on killing his mother, destroying everything in sight, and taking over the world.
  • Defied Trope: Refuses to abandon Brian's memory after Brian dies in the at present Alternate Universe.
  • Muddied Child: He is definitely depraved and has shown attraction to several people of both genders (such every bit Brian).
  • Bearded in Drag: He actually does this a lot. Also lampshaded by Brian in "Deep Throat".
  • Disposing of a Torso: Stewie has to do this, when murdering people.
  • Asymmetric Retribution: On a frequent basis. He savagely beat Brian to a pulp for overdue gambling earnings. On another occasion he used his time car to endeavor and sabotage every meaningful moment in Brian's life, because he fabricated a queer joke about him.
  • Ditzy Genius: Although he's incredibly intelligent and has invented many inventions/devices across human being knowledge, he does tend to miscalculate which is what causes some of his devices and plans to backfire. Plus, he isn't so skilful with basic knowledge such every bit shapes and the alphabet (justified, since he is nevertheless a baby).
  • Does Non Like Spam: "I Never Met the Dead Man" reveals that Stewie actually hates broccoli; the subplot is dedicated to him trying to destroy it in diverse ways.
  • Doppelgänger: Stewie has met with quite a few of these, including Betram from "Missionary Impossible", Bowwow Stewie from "Quagmire's Baby", and Evil Stewie from "The Mitt That Rocks the Wheelchair".
  • Driven to Suicide: Twice. In "Killer Queen" and "Mom's the Word", both thank you to Brian.
  • Emperor Scientist: This was his original goal pre-cancellation, merely it doesn't figure much anymore.
  • Enfant Terrible: The page image. In Seasons 1-vi, he was a sarcastic, ranting evil genius with a homicidal grudge against his mother. He still is confronting those he genuinely hates (or in some cases, those that know something they shouldn't), though information technology'due south rather rare.
  • Even Bad Men Love Their Mamas: Averted. Stewie has regularly tried to murder Lois, though this trait has mellowed downwards as the series progressed, with the exception of "Stewie Kills Lois".
  • Even Evil Has Loved Ones:
    • It's shown multiple times that he truly does dearest Brian despite their constant grouse. In "New Kidney in Town", he'south terrified at the prospect of Brian dying and then that Peter can live and goes as far as to kidnap Brian to preclude that from happening. He outright admits to Brian that he doesn't want to lose him because he loves him.
    • In "Life of Brian" he mourns Brian the most out of everyone and is desperate to bring him dorsum. He gets his wish in "Christmas Guy".
    • To a bottom extent, he is shut with Chris and to a much lesser extent, Meg. In contempo seasons, he begins treating them similar bodily siblings and when Meg saves his life in "Stand up By Meg", he tries to improve her dating life as gratitude.
  • Even Evil Has Standards:
    • It's shown that he disapproves of Brian'due south sadistic dear of torturing and killing squirrels. In "Indicate of Stew", he is disgusted when Brian runs down a squirrel, endmost its open, staring eyes when he notices it stuck on the wheel next to him and gently assuring it that Brian can't hurt it anymore.
    • Also, he's the only member of the family unit who hates John Herbert, the local pedophile; in 1 episode where he takes over the mail service route for Chris, when Herbert immediately starts hitting on him, Stewie shuts him downwards by calling him a pervert and telling him to piss off. In "Point of Stew", when he encounters Herbert doing an Underside Ride on the school bus, he snaps at the former man to stay away from Chris' barrel.
    • At times Stewie is uncomfortable with Brian's flirting with women. At ane point, he called Brian out for calling a adult female a "bi-racial slam slice".
    • He also abhors Quagmire's uncontrollable lust for Lois. He immediately snaps dorsum at Quagmire's request to smell his rima oris to smell Lois' breasts on it.
    • Similarly, he's vehemently against Quagmire hitting on and sleeping with Meg, and helps the family unit protect Million from Quagmire.
  • Evil Brit: The "evil" part existence in the first seasons. The emphasis was also slightly heavier than it is now.
  • Evil Genius: In early seasons.
  • Evil Is Petty: Often dips into this, performing such acts as using his time automobile to try and sabotage every meaningful moment in Brian'southward life simply because he made a queer joke about him.
  • Extreme Omnisexual: If there's annihilation he inherited from Peter, it's his omnisexuality. He's attracted Brian the family male dog, daydreamed of a buffed up Rupert (his teddy acquit), and a scene where he was hinted to take slept with a doll.
  • Fan of the Underdog: He's good friends with Brian.
  • Simulated Brit: In-universe case. "Ship in Stewie, Please" reveals that he is faking his British accent.
  • Fat Bounder: In "He'due south Also Sexy For His Fat", where he becomes obese after overeating to brand fun of Chris. Played for Laughs.
  • Faux Affably Evil: His pre-cancellation persona leans more towards this. Eloquent, charming and perfectly willing to kill or harm anyone who stands in his way, even those who accept wronged him in some manner. Accept "The Kiss Seen Effectually The World", where he's capturing a swell who stole his tricycle:

    Stewie: "You lot know, my hooligan friend, I've been racking my brain in a thus far fruitless endeavor to resolve our recent unpleasantness. Then it dawned on me. Your cruelty merely stems from some deep-seated inner pain. So, the obvious remedy is a good for you dose of OUTER PAIN!" (Pulls out a net launcher)

  • Flanderization: Stewie's curiosity for homosexuality slowly growing to make him flat-out gay. This trait has taken him over so badly that he has lost a lot of his Evil Genius traits as a result. Granted, Stewie has obviously lampshaded his own Flanderization on at least ii occasions where he realized he was losing his villainous impact and attempted to de-flanderize himself by (the first endeavor) attempting to kill Lois again, and (the second endeavour) getting back to inventing for the sake of evil.

    Stewie: I like to talk well-nigh earth domination. Some people don't recall I talk well-nigh it enough anymore.

  • Future Loser: In The Movie, although information technology is unknown if he all the same is.
  • Gadgeteer Genius: He converts many of his toys into diabolical inventions.
  • Gag Penis: Surprisingly, in "Y'all Tin can't Do That On Television set, Peter", Peter compared his and Stewie'southward penis sizes, before it cuts away to Peter looking grumpy and complaining that it's a "Stupid game, anyway". At present, while this is Downplayed because Peter has a Teeny Weenie, "Trans-Fat" implies that Peter's original penis size was 4 inches, maybe even less. Then a Ane-twelvemonth-old baby having a penis bigger than that is... well, aberrant.
  • Good Optics, Evil Eyes: His eyes are much narrower at his almost sinister, and were almost e'er like this back when he was evil (he'd even accept a sour expression in his sleep). Otherwise, they announced very relaxed.

    Tropes H to Fifty

  • Hair-Trigger Temper: Naturally, being Ax-Crazy. One notable case of his temper is the time where he beat the ever-loving crap out of Brian subsequently the latter failed to come up up with the money he owed him from a bet and some other fourth dimension where he brutally beat one of Lois'due south piano students but considering he was playing while Stewie was watching the History Channel.
  • Heel–Face Revolving Door: He routinely murders people on and off-screen. In one of the subsequently episodes it'south implied he killed babies without remorse.

    Brian: How would you lot feel if you killed another baby?

    Stewie (offhandedly): I've killed seven...

  • Heroic Comedic Sociopath: He's a fan favorite whose antics are over the top mostly for comedic effect and he has piffling intent to kill or harm his family unit save for Lois. Still it is made clear at varying times he does not always remember much of Peter, Chris, or Meg either.
  • Heterosexual Life-Partners: With Brian, but his orientation is upwardly for estimation.
  • Hey, Yous!: Refers to his parents as Lois and "the fat man", and violently reprimanded his balmy-mannered future self for really calling them "Mom and Dad" (Nonetheless in the more recent seasons he has started to call Peter and Lois, "Mom and Dad" respectively). He also originally just called Brian "dog" before he mellowed out and the two became close companions.
  • I Just Want to Exist Special: His Wicked Cultured British accent is fake, an affectation he adopted to set himself apart from everyone else.
  • Incompatible Orientation: Occasionally demonstrates he may have a beat out on Brian.
  • Innocent Prodigy: The Evil Counterpart to this trope. He's a Wicked Cultured Evil Genius, despite being barely a toddler and often almost as naive equally you'd expect a child his age to be.

    "Huh, this toy contains pocket-size parts. Simply why would they include modest parts in a toy for someone my age...? Unless I'1000 supposed to swallow them! Of course, it all adds upwards!"

  • Insufferable Genius: At times, he can annoy Brian, past constantly outwitting him at everything.
  • Interspecies Romance: The longest running relationship he'due south had that's closest to romantic is his tight, sexually charged friendship with Brian the dog. He even impregnates himself with Brian's children in "Stewie Is Enceinte".
  • Irony: The sole Axe-Crazy member of the family in the early seasons is currently its Only Sane Human among them.
  • Jerkass: Less and less after each season, even so...With occasional exceptions.
  • Jerkass to Ane: In early seasons, he was an evil Enfant Terrible with plans to Take Over the Earth, only was particularly combative towards his mother Lois and constantly plotted ways to kill her.
  • Jerk with a Middle of Gilt: Currently. He even handled Brian's death the worst of the family.
  • Karma Houdini: To a much greater extent than anybody else on his family. He might have gotten nicer, merely at the end of the day Stewie still the about murderous member of the Griffin family, if not the entire cast. His victims include men, women and children- including babe children- and his on-screen trunk count is easily in the double digits (and when he teams up with his Eviler Than Thou soulmate Penelope, well into the hundreds of millions). He has committed theft, assault, arson, abduction, bombings, torture, murder, and acts of terrorism and mass murder, and he has plotted to Take Over the World literally since he was in his female parent's womb (he claims to take left a bomb in there equally well). It'south all Played for Laughs, of form, only he'southward even so style more than evil than the rest of his family whose comparatively trivial behavior is occasionally treated much more seriously.
  • Knight of Cerebus: The lighthearted, albeit offensive comedy that Family Guy usually lives in, is shifted profoundly, when things focus on Stewie. At that point, things are all about murder, crimes, and taking over the earth.
  • Lack of Empathy: In the early on seasons. He gets better in later seasons.
  • Big Ham:


  • Laughably Evil: Is considered one of the funniest characters.
  • Piffling Brother Mentor: He'southward shown more than business for Chris and Million's welfare than their parents always have, and has tried to aid them with their problems.

    Tropes Thousand to P

  • Made of Iron: He can have a lot of penalization for a one year sometime.
  • Mad Scientist: Stewie invented several futuristic machines, such equally a time machine, a transporter or a device that allows him to travel between parallel universes.
  • Manipulative Bastard: Peculiarly in the early on seasons. It kinda petered out for a while & got replaced with a Transparent Cupboard schtick, but they've been trying to bring it back recently.
  • Masculine Girl, Feminine Boy: Feminine Boy to Penelope'southward Masculine Girl.
  • Mature Younger Sibling: His two older siblings, Chris and Meg, are an immature Dumbass Teenage Son and Bratty Teenage Daughter respectively. Stewie, who's but a one-year-old baby, is the closest to mature of the three Griffin children, usually bringing up valid points whenever his older siblings are acting upwardly, which they normally ignore since the family ordinarily tin't hear him. However, considering that Stewie's a matricidal Enfant Terrible who's committed many heinous acts, insults his family, and occasionally uses Brian for personal gain, he's Only Sane by Comparison.
  • Meta Guy: While most characters interruption the fourth wall Stewie uses it to complain virtually the show.
  • Mighty Glacier: Family Guy: Dorsum to the Multiverse. Stewie's teddy conduct Rupert effectively becomes a stationary turret.
  • Mister Seahorse: In the post-cancellation episode, "Stewie Is Enceinte", he uses his Mad Scientist skills to impregnate himself with a litter of Brian-fathered human being/domestic dog hybrid babies.
  • Moral Myopia: Much in the aforementioned Played for Laughs style as Quagmire, Stewie volition repeatedly pontificate over Brian for his immoral or unscrupulous qualities, though is nonetheless a remorseless mass murderer and Comedic Sociopath.
  • Mundane Utility: In "Life of Brian", he recalls using the time machine prior to its devastation to easily buy a toy around Christmas later in the year. This becomes important in saving Brian when he happens to come across his past self secretly buying said toy, leading to him and Vinny planing to steal the return pad in society to save Brian.
  • Muscles Are Meaningless: Stewie can brutalize adults xx times his size.
  • My Instincts Are Showing: A variation. Stewie occasionally gets a reminder that he's still technically a baby:

    [Peter covers his face with his hands]
    Stewie: Where the Devil did he go!?
    Peter: [removes his hands from his confront] Peekaboo!
    Stewie: AAAH!

  • My Own Grandpa: When his ancestor was killed, he was forced to accept his spot.
  • Named Afterwards Somebody Famous: Most likely, Peter drew inspiration from Gilligan's Isle, and Lois was okay with it. Peter loves television, and classic Television set serial were an specially big influence on earlier seasons.
  • The Napoleon: Small and barbarous.
  • Nightmare Fuel Station Attendant: In earlier episodes at least, Stewie is often tickled, excited or even angry past horrible and disgusting things.
  • No Good Human activity Goes Unpunished: In "Life of Brian", subsequently radically altering history by accident again, Stewie destroys his time motorcar to prevent anyone from changing history for the worse again. However, after Brian dies, Stewie tries to detect parts to rebuild the time machine, except that the only provider of a major component had likewise died, meaning that Brian cannot exist saved.
  • No-Holds-Barred Beatdown: He dishes this out regularly, especially in the episode "Patriot Games".
  • Normal Fish in a Tiny Swimming: Comes to the realization that he shines among the beneath-boilerplate Griffins in "Chap Stewie" (later on living with a sharper and much more affectionless family).
  • Not Allowed to Grow Upward: Granted, he's even so one year old.
    • Lampshaded in "Road to Rupert", when Brian says that he'due south getting too old to be having a teddy bear, Stewie replies with "Brian, I'thousand one." to which Brian asks "Still?"
    • Lampshaded even further in "Christmas Guy", when Lois says that it's time for Stewie's first Christmas, to which Stewie replies, "Again?"
  • Obfuscating Stupidity: Anybody except Brian believes he's a normal baby.
  • Odd Friendship: He is best friends with Brian, the Simply Sane Man, despite his homicidal tendencies.
  • Oedipus Complex: Inverted. He wants to kill Lois, and has had some friendlier moments with Peter, including the whole of The Courtship of Stewie's Father.
  • The But One Immune to Defeat You: Invoked when he snipes Diane, who's about to impale Lois.

    Stewie: If anyone is going to take that bowwow down, its gonna be me!

  • But Sane Human being: Ironically, he took a contrary Flanderization in this regard: Peter evolved from an alcoholic, working class guy to a dangerously Psychopathic Manchild; Lois went from beingness a sane vox of reason to a nasty Bitch in Sheep'due south Clothing; Chris went from an airheaded artist to a miniature Peter (with the added bonus of masturbating far too much); Million turned from an unpopular teenager to an unstable Cosmic Plaything; and Brian went from being the smartest member of the house to an insufferable Know-Null Know-It-All. Stewie, meanwhile, went from a murderous sociopath to the nigh grounded member of the bandage, whose only quirks are his Camp Gay tendencies.
  • Parental Favoritism: Some recent episodes imply that Stewie is the only kid that Peter likes, such as introducing his family to Homer Simpson as "The Griffins. Peter, Lois, Stewie, so, uh, you know, the others. Brian, I guess".
  • Perpetual Frowner: Back in his diabolical mastermind persona.
  • Pet the Domestic dog:
    • Subverted in the Season 9 premiere. He saves Lois from getting killed by Diane, only because he wants to be the one to kill her.
    • Played straight at times especially with Brian. Notably, he immediately savage in victim with Lois later on she repaired Rupert, though he changed his listen after she immune him to break his arm.
    • Played straight over again when he saves Chris from being strangled to death by Charles Yamamoto. With the Queen album News of the Globe (Queen), no Less!
  • Ping-Pong Naïveté: He has always varied betwixt someone that apparently had an adult's noesis of the world, often showing knowledge of popular civilisation and sex (he one time knew how his parent were going to make another child and understood exactly how the biological office was), and beingness adequately brainy but possessing little cognition that a babe wouldn't (he didn't empathise his birth even subsequently his outset altogether).
  • Pintsized Powerhouse: He's but a baby but he tin concord his own in a fight confronting Osama bin Laden and Lois in "Lois Kills Stewie", almost killing her if it wasn't for Peter'due south inflow.
  • Pop-Cultured Badass: Able to cite pop culture references that long predate his birth.
  • Practically Different Generations: Less extreme than some examples, but he remains one while his sister One thousand thousand is xvi-18.
  • Precocious Beat: In "8 Simple Rules for Buying My Teenage Daughter", Stewie has a beat on his new bodyguard, and when he finds out she has a swain, he tries to kill him.
  • Promotion to Parent: Despite being a megalomanical, world-domination obsessed super-genius toddler, Stewie has also done more than to be a parental effigy to Chris and Meg than Peter and Lois ever take.
  • Psychic Powers: During the events of "Super Griffins".

    Tropes R to V

  • Randomly Gifted: Stewie's supernatural level of intellect is confirmed to simply be random run a risk, equally shown in Baby Stewie, where he removes the "Griffin" influences of his DNA and reverts to a normal baby.
  • "The Reason Yous Suck" Speech: Delivers a truly epic 1 to Dr. Pritchfield in "Transport in Stewie, Please".
    • Read it here. note From the dog-eared pages of that volume of Shakespeare, I imagine yous wooed Michael with a sonnet or monologue each day. And no i had e'er done anything so romantic as reciting Shakespeare for Michael before. And he was smitten. While not as physically attracted to you lot as you lot are to him, that's okay Yous each bring something important to the relationship. Isn't that what yous believe, Dr. Pritchfield? I see a prescription for center medication on that table. My guess is you keep that at the office. Yous don't want to worry Michael, you say to yourself, fifty-fifty though the truth is it embarrasses you. Your age, your mortality. Best to keep appearing as vital as possible. And no need to have reminders at home of what'southward just around the corner, is there? And your office is your haven, since Michael doesn't piece of work and is ofttimes at home, possibly every bit a result of a low-level depression that y'all don't really desire to get into with him. Oh, he always planned to have a career, simply he could never settle on exactly what information technology was he wanted to do. And at first you liked having him at home to take care of the house and plan trips. So that'due south only what happened. "And that's a task, also," he reminds you over the years. Michael likes to travel, and he prefers the finer things. And you'd like to give them to him, wouldn't you? But it'southward a bit difficult on a kid psychologist's bacon at a Rhode Island preschool, I'd imagine. Fortunately, you don't have children, so you practise have some dispensable income. Oh, you have talked near it with other couples, just for show, probably at dinner with younger friends of Michael's who are starting a family unit, you lot know, to be function of the conversation, to feel included. Simply you said you preferred your trips and your rescue domestic dog named afterwards a character most likely from Dickens. Ah, how accomplished and affluent you both wait in this photo. Just the image Michael is so drastic to project. Allow'south look a niggling closer, shall nosotros? Now, I see you're both wearing Ralph Lauren Purple Label clothes shirts that retail starting at $495. But from the disfigured button holes on one and the modest discoloration on the other, I can see yous bought them at the outlet in Providence. Probably tertiary markdown, in which case, $49, give or take. Since you also have light jackets on, I can see that yous went in that location during summer vacation, which is, in fact, winter in Rio, outside of the high tourist season. And I run into that you're on the rooftop puddle deck at the Fasano Hotel in Ipanema, the most exclusive hotel in all of Brazil. Michael would've been dying to stay there. Had a friend that went with his older boyfriend, who makes a lot of coin in, well-nigh likely, cyberbanking, much to your chagrin. But even in August, it's almost $1,000 a nighttime. You tell him people are starving in the streets in Brazil. How do yous justify paying those prices? When the truth is, you simply can't afford it. Information technology's for another grade of gay people. The window that Michael is always desperately peering through and sadly on the other side of. Simply you lot do your best. You don't go on Airbnb, because you don't trust it, fifty-fifty though Michael has stories of friends who have found the nigh fabled places. Yous like a hotel. Too, information technology's more romantic, you tell him. But when you take him to the place you're really staying, the ane you found on TripAdvisor that was rated number 27 of all the hotels in Rio and was having a special rate of 295 U. S. dollars a night Which is still non cheap, you remind him, most people never get to visit half the places he's seen, you tell him you lot can't help simply experience like a chip of a failure equally you run into the look of disappointment on his face every bit he enters the room. So you decide to go to the Fasano Hotel for dinner and drinks. No, only drinks, in one case you've seen the eating house prices online. And once there, you can see how Michael begins looking at all the older men who can afford to take their boyfriends I'm pitiful, husbands To such luxurious hotels. And you worry a little, that you're diminishing in his optics with each passing twelvemonth. Merely y'all tell yourself yous're being ridiculous, as you see Michael glancing well-nigh the rooftop deck, looking at all the immature men, men that would be xx years younger than even Michael, men that you lot're invisible to. Merely he isn't yet, not completely, and you're jealous and you loathe yourself for information technology. Just Michael wants a photograph, and he says, "Let's have a selfie. " Merely you say, "Let's enquire someone to take 1 of the states" and make some tired joke near selfies that only you lot laugh at, wishing that you lot could take it out of the air every bit soon equally yous've said it, as it'due south just one more indicator that you're older than everybody here. And so Michael calls over a young man wearing a tiny swimsuit to have the photograph and makes a crude joke that embarrasses you lot. Only the immature man laughs, and he and Michael share a moment that you're non part of. And you feel humiliated and unseen. Which explains Michael'due south joyful grin and your slightly disconnected half-smile. And you've posted the photo on Facebook, and Michael'southward posted it to his 86 followers on Instagram You don't know how that ane works To at least give the impression, in your Ralph Lauren shirts, property your $20 cocktails, that you're both style more successful than yous are. But information technology makes you experience a piddling dirty, the lengths yous take to go to in order to keep Michael happy. And every time you glance at this motion-picture show, you wonder, "How long before he leaves me?" See? I guess nosotros both know each other a scrap.
    • ...Until Pritchfield retorts with:
  • Retired Monster: All-time seen in The Movie " Stewie Griffin: The Untold Story". As an evident instance of the early seasons, he was a psychopathic petty brat who enjoyed using violence at whatever moment, a point that even the ii-part episode "Stewie Kills Lois and Lois Kills Stewie" showed how monstrous he was able to exist, not to mention that in the real canon has killed several people, even kids. However, the moving-picture show shows that his self-time to come is one of these. He is not vehement and all his plans for world domination were scrapped by himself. All the same, he changes the past, possibly effecting this. Also there's the fact that in every new season, he seems to become increasingly sympathetic. It may seem strange that fifty-fifty now he can be considered an Anti-Hero, and less evil than Carter.
  • Running Gag: Stewie is associated with a few of these, although nigh of them have been abandoned.
    • Cool Hwip
    • Sexy Parties
    • Gay Moments
    • Even so Working on That Novel?
  • Sadist: In early seasons. He still has his moments, but it'south more general Comedic Sociopathy.
  • Serial Killer: Stewie has committed many murders throughout the series, typically out of revenge or greed.
  • Sesquipedalian Loquaciousness: Early on. Lampshaded past Brian in "Dorsum to the Pilot".

    Brian: Geez, what, did you carry a thesaurus around with yous?

  • Sissy Villain: Is Ambiguously Gay and is a series killer. This is espcially evident in the earlier seasons. No surprise, given that he's largely a parody of various villain tropes.
  • Smarter Than You Look: Merely considering he'south a baby, he's assumed to exist unintelligent, until yous detect out nigh his plans for world domination, mastery of multiverse theory and and so forth.
  • The Smart Guy: Shares this office with Brian, usually.
  • Smart People Speak the Queen's English: Possibly. There's some controversy over whether his accent is Received Pronunciation or Boston Brahmin.
  • The Sociopath: In the early on seasons and Depending on the Author. Brian once called him a "freakin psychopath" considering he was brutally and savagely assaulting him when Brian owed him money. This was before he shot Brian on both legs and gear up him on fire for however non paying him.
  • Spotlight-Stealing Squad: His character has developed much over the course of the series and gets more screentime with Brian than the rest of the family. The series may as well just be "The Brian and Stewie Testify" in after seasons. In fact, said 150th episode was simply called "Brian and Stewie". They are the main characters of the 200th episode. Let's face up it, it's all about them at present. Not to mention the "Road To..." episodes, which focus on Brian and Stewie entirely.
  • Stable Fourth dimension Loop: Due to an blow with time travel, Stewie acquired the Big Bang.
  • Surrounded by Idiots: Stewie more often than not views the rest of his family as consummate morons. With a begetter like Peter and a brother similar Chris, he may just have a point.
  • Temporary Bulk Change: In "He's Too Sexy For His Fatty", he gains weight as a result of mocking Chris for beingness fatty. He goes dorsum to normal at the end of the episode.
  • Token Evil Teammate: Exaggerated at offset, then inverted equally the series progressed. An exaggerated case in early seasons, being a cartoonishly villainous mastermind amidst a whimsical sitcom family unit. As his personality softened and his family became more than sociopathic even so, it's almost become completely reversed.
  • Took a Level in Kindness: Initially portrayed every bit an apathetic child with plans of world domination and an unexplained desire to murder his family in the before seasons, Stewie has softened out considerably while anybody else Took a Level in Jerkass.
  • Trademark Favorite Food: A bit subtle, but he really likes graham crackers. In one episode, he even attacked Peter with a baseball bat for eating the last ones!
  • Tritagonist: He'due south the Deuteragonist of well-nigh episodes focusing on Brian (and thus, the overall Tritagonist).
  • Troubling Unchildlike Behavior: Exaggerated most as much every bit it can be. Stewie's only i year old, so he shouldn't even be able to walk and talk, much less carry and use heavy firearms, build avant-garde machinery (including a time automobile), and generally participate in all the misadventures he and Brian get themselves into. All the same, the fact that he is but an infant sometimes shows even during moments that qualify for this trope, making for a humorous event:

    Peter: Stewie... how long you been all messed up and evil similar this?
    Stewie: [property the family at gunpoint] Oh, and so at present you're interested in Stewie. Last week when I made that macaroni flick of an owl, you didn't give a damn!
    Peter:[Suprised]That was an owl?
    Stewie: Yes! And now we're going to look at it again. [Smashes butt of pistol into Peter'south genu, so drags him screaming in pain over to a tabular array and holds macaroni picture in front of him] Wait! Expect! Do yous like it?!
    Peter: [shaken] Yep...?
    Stewie: What do you similar about it specifically?!
    Peter: I don't know...
    Stewie: Option something or I'll blow your brains out!
    Peter: I like... how it looks like an owl...?
    Stewie: Cheers for the compliment! [Walks abroad with the drawing, leaving Peter to curl upwards and cry on the floor.]

  • True Companions: With Brian. Their friendship is ane of the only consistent things about the show, at least in later seasons (he was his Sitcom Arch-Nemesis in early on seasons).
  • Undying Loyalty: He is very upset by how easily the rest of his family unit forgets about Brian during the whole...death stunt.
  • Unsympathetic Comedy Protagonist: In the early seasons, where he had an unhealthy obsession with killing his mother.
  • Villain Decay: Lampshaded by Brian in "Stewie Kills Lois" (leading to a simulation of the titular activeness) "The Hand That Rocks the Wheelchair" (leading to him building a machine with the intent of amplifying his cruelty, which instead creates a clone embodying his former psychopathy) and "Mr. and Mrs. Stewie" (when suggesting that Penelope is Eviler Than Thou).
  • Villain Protagonist: In early on seasons when he wanted to kill his mother.
  • Vitriolic Best Buds: With Brian. Lampshaded in "Road to the Multiverse" when Brian and Stewie become to a version of Quahog where the US never dropped the diminutive bomb on Hiroshima and Nippon won World State of war 2, resulting in them annexing the The states:

    Japanese Stewie: I no similar you, but I like you!
    Japanese Brian: I no similar yous, but I like you, besides!

  • Vocal Dissonance: An evil cultured accent on an baby.
  • Vocal Evolution: Stewie'south British accent gets lighter and takes on a more than flamboyant tone over time.
  • Volumetric Mouth: In "Prepare, Willing, and Disabled", equally a parody of Peanuts.

    Tropes W to Y

  • "Well Done, Son!" Guy: "A Lot Going On Upstairs" reveals that he cares about Brian'south stance about him and is afraid of disappointing him because he subconsciously looks up to him as a father-effigy.
  • Wicked Cultured: Brilliant, sophisticated, and devious.
  • Wise Across Their Years: At the very to the lowest degree, far more intelligent than normal babies tend to be.

    See-northward-say: The cow goes, SHAZOO!

    Stewie: ...It nigh certainly does not.

  • With Friends Similar These...: The things Brian does to him in episodes like "Exist Careful What You Fish For", "Brian Writes A Bestseller" and "Herpe, The Love Sore" makes y'all wonder why these ii are still friends. Granted this is Stewie, so the toxicity is very two-way, ranging from Stewie making endless petty jabs over Brian'due south failures as a writer and lover, gaslighting him or sabotaging many circumstances he stands to brand whatsoever other relationships besides him, or beating him to a pulp for handing him gambling fees late.
  • Woobie, Destroyer of Worlds: Several facts of his life have been excuses of why he's a psycho. He claims to have lost his sanity while he was aware in Lois' womb.
  • Yandere: The primary reason why he can't go on a potential relationship together, he either scares them away, or in the case of Olivia, murders them.


Source: https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Characters/FamilyGuyStewieGriffin

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